Rules MenuDate: 7 March 1999
Subject: 1999 Golf Season Plans / Rules / Schedule

To: Team Captains and Rostered Players
The Honeywell Baker National Men's Golf League will begin play at 4:48 PM on Thursday April 29, 1999 at:
Baker National Golf Course
2935 Parkview Drive
Medina, MN 55340     473-0800
Baker National GC will be SPIKE FREE IN 1999

The league offices are held by:
Jerry Kroger  President-Treasurerh. 612.473.1605w. 612.473.6470fax 612.473.6470
Dave StidgerSecretary  Cell 791.4142h. 612.974.9296w. 612.667.5781fax 612.667.2135
The league internet site is


1. Forward a copy of these rules to each of your team members.

2. Notify the Secretary of any changes in your team roster throughout the season.

3. Again in 1999, each team is responsible for a minimum of four (4) Hennepin Parks Plus Patron Passes (HPPPP), which cost $25.00 each. They can be purchased individually from Baker National GC (several members already have them), or through the league. Each team will decide how it will handle its requirement. If a team member has a valid 1999 HPPPP number it can count . If you send money to the league for passes, specify in whose name(s) to register the pass(es).
In summary, the league needs at least 4 HPPPP numbers per team.
Team captains collect the team dues ($80) plus paid-ahead fees of $56.00/Team X 16 Nights ($896) = $976.00.
Mail Team funds, and Team HPPPP requirement fulfillments, to the Treasurer by April 15th, 1999. Note this amount pre-pays your team through the entire season. Fun Event Nights each half are included.
Please remit fees, payable to:

Jerry Kroger
1716 Archer Court
Plymouth, MN 55447

4. Team captains are responsible for ensuring their team is ready to Tee Off at its scheduled time which changes week to week(see attachment II enclosed).

5. This year players/teams prepay the entire year by 15 April 1999 ( $976.00/Team). I ONLY WANT ONE CHECK FROM EACH TEAM CAPTAIN.


The following defines our operating rules for the 1999 season as already agreed to by the team captains:

1. Place: Front & back nine of Baker Park National Golf Course, alternating each week.

2. Green Fees: $14.00/Nine Holes. The League President/Treasurer is responsible for pre-paying the course. Players should not pay at the club house each week.

3. Dates: Starts 29 April 99. See Attachment II for complete schedule.

4. Tee Times: Starts 4:48 PM. See Attachment II for team tee times.

5. Team Rosters: League president should be notified immediately of any changes. Four members represent each team in league competition each scheduled day (See Attachment I).

6. Team Dues: $80 per team to be paid to the president/treasurer by 15 April, 1999. $50/Team shall include Trophies, and Fun Event Prizes and Year-end Prizes. The remaining $30.00/Team will be paid to league officers to compensate for scheduling, tournament hosting and League Correspondence etc.

7. Handicaps: See Attachment III for the details. USGA GHIN® System.

7A. Member Status: See Attachment III for the details.

8. Prizes & Approx Costs:
      League officers (Admin Duties)      ($240)
      League Champ Trophy's      ($100)
      Runner-up Prizes      ($ 40)
      1st & 2nd Half Scrambles Prizes      ($140)
      18 Hole Year-end Tournament Prizes      ($120)
Total       ($640) [8 teams x $80 dues]

9. League Champ: The season is divided into two half's. There will be a first half winner and a second half winner. A team winning both half's is automatically league champ. Otherwise the first half winner plays the second half winner for the championship. Ties for 1st half or 2nd half, will be resolved by sudden death play-off with a minimum of two holes played, using normal league scoring, and using the same handicaps that led to the tie, at a time and place agreeable to both captains, no later than 11 days following the tie ( recommended immediately following tied round ). If they are unable to play the tie will be broken by a coin flip thrown by the president with both captains or their designated representative(s) and the other league officers in attendance. Ties for the league championship will result in declaring league co-champions.

10. Rules of Play: The rules of the USGA govern all league golf play, with the only exceptions per the current course score card or as modified in the following areas to speed play:

  1. OUT-OF-BOUNDS: Take a drop anywhere along the path the ball took out of bounds. Take one stroke penalty. No loss of distance.

  2. LOST BALL: Take a drop as near to where it was lost as possible on the line of flight. Take one stroke penalty. No loss of distance.

  3. BALL STRUCK ON GREEN: 1) If a ball on the green is struck by an approach shot (from off the green) no penalty, but the ball struck must be returned to its original position. 2) If a ball on the green is struck by a putted ball while on the green, no penalty. The ball struck shall be returned to its original position. It is the responsibility of the putter to ask for a ball to be marked or putted so not in the way of his putt if in doubt. Don't take excessive time lining up putts as this slows play significantly.


  5. COUNTING YOUR STROKES/SPEED OF PLAY: These are the two most frequent areas of complaint and player frustration. If anyone has teammates needing improvement in either area, do us all a favor and try to help the individual(s) correct their problem, even though it may be uncomfortable to do. When advised of errors in counting or slow play people usually seem to make an effort to improve. Take some positive action and we'll all have much more fun as a result !!!
11. Rainout Rules: The game may be called off by THURSDAY at 3:00 PM on a ruling of the league officers and course manager. If it is not called off at 3:00 pm, GET YOUR TEAM TO THE COURSE! Whether or not to play will be decided by the team captains (majority vote - tie says play) and the course manager at the clubhouse. The course policy is that, "Rain" checks for nine holes will be given if 4 holes or less have been played. RAINOUT NIGHTS WILL BE MADE-UP AT THE END OF EACH HALF OR UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. THE SCHEDULE WILL REMAIN THE SAME FOR NEXT WEEK'S OPPONENT. EXAMPLE: TEAM 1 IS SCHEDULED TO PLAY TEAM 2 THAT WEEK AND PLAY IS CANCELED DUE TO RAIN THIS MATCH (TEAM 1 VS TEAM 2) WILL BE MADE-UP AT THE END OF THE HALF NOT JUST PUSHED OR RESCHEDULED TO THE NEXT WEEK.

12. Incomplete Matches: Regular matches that are not completed because of weather and/or darkness shall be handled as followed:

  1. If no full teams complete five holes the night is rescheduled to the end of the corresponding half. All following scheduled play slips one week. The president will issue an updated schedule the following week.

  2. If five or more holes have been played by two or more teams, it shall be considered a completed match for those teams, and points for unplayed holes will be split.

  3. If less than five holes have been played, the match may either be completely replayed or the match made up before the next scheduled night of play at the discretion of the affected Team Captains (If they can't agree the president will settle with a coin flip).
13. Summer Rules: This means you may not improve your lie or touch/move your ball at any time on or off the fairway. WOOD CHIP AREAS WILL BE AS PER COURSE RULINGS.

14. Fence or Water: Any ball unplayable because of a fence or water or bridge shall be dropped 2 club lengths perpendicular from the fence or water or bridge no closer to the pin and 1 stroke penalty counted.

15. Score of Points: A maximum of (88) points can be earned by one team in a match. Each player and opponent play for (2) points per hole( (2) points for win, (1) point for tie and (0) points for loss). Each foursome contains two players from each team matched by handicap. The lowest net (score minus handicap) for each match-up receives (4) additional points or (2) points for a tie. In the event of a forfeit, the absent player's opponent must play the course to win his match for individual hole play but is automatically awarded low net points. He calculates the difference of his handicap and the course by spreading his handicap strokes by the course hole handicap rating. For example, if the player has a handicap of 9 he would receive a stroke on each hole. The absent player forfeits all (22) possible points. A late player may join his foursome at the beginning of any unplayed hole, but, he forfeits the previous holes and chance for low net points. A player is considered late on a hole after all of his foursome has teed off. In the event of the same number of missing players by each team, the players present play for their points only. Except the Championship, there is no match play on scramble nights.

16. Speed of play: Speed of play should enable (9) holes in 2 hr. 15 min. The team captain or the lowest handicap player in a twosome is expected to 'counsel' a teammate playing too slow and backing up the course. ALSO, THE COURSE WILL BE MONITORING OUR PLAYING TIME EACH WEEK. WE NEED TO IMPROVE IN THIS AREA PLEASE KEEP IT MOVING!!!!!

17. Officers (Administration Duties):

  1. President/Treasurer: Establish rules, play schedule, and team memberships with consensus of team captains, sign contract with golf course, arrange and provision fun nights, arrange fall tournament and banquet, and manage league finances and expenditures.

  2. Secretary: Keeps league statistics and determines member handicaps weekly using the USGA GHIN® system.
18. Disputes/Problems/Rule changes: All disputes, problems, and rule change proposals will be resolved by the team captains. Agreement by all the team captains is required to effect a change or settle a dispute. Any rule/scoring dispute must be brought up to the president no later than 24 hours or one working day after match play.

19. Substitute Players: During regular match play, a team may use no more than two substitutes in a team match. It is allowable to use member(s) from another team other than the opponents. A new member playing his first league match (has no established league handicap) can be paired at the discretion of his team captain. No substitutes only rostered players will be allowed to play in the league championship.

20. Team No Show: In the event an entire team no-shows ( by definition less than one rostered player present for scheduled 1st or 10th hole tee times ), the team present plays as a foursome and turns in their scorecards in the normal manner. The no-show team forfeits and receives 0 points for that week, and $56.00 dollars from the paid-ahead fund for that team is paid to the course. The league was required to guarantee green fees to the course for a min of 32 golfers per night or 8 Tee Times during the league season regardless how many golfers show to obtain reserved Tee Times for the season. The winning team is awarded points calculated on the basis of net scores vs. par on a hole by hole basis.

21. Paid-Ahead Fees: All teams are required to be paid ahead $896.00 for green fees for the entire year. Its the captains responsibility to collect these fees from team members and pay them to the league President/Treasurer by the agreed to dates.

22. Let's Have Fun!: Forgetting all the above for a moment, let's not forget to have a fun year. Let's all resolve to play at a reasonable speed, count all our strokes, fairly observe the rules and golf etiquette i.e. no club throwing tantrums etc.!, and keep it a gentlemen's, lose, or draw. See you all at the course!!
